The Basics of Pest Control

Pest Control Abbotsford BC includes methods to keep unwanted organisms from entering a structure and causing harm. It is usually done using methods that pose minimal hazard to people and pets.

Pest Control

A clean home is less attractive to pests, who are looking for food and shelter. Seal cracks and holes to prevent them from getting inside. Keep windows and doors closed as much as possible, and repair screens as soon as they get worn or torn.

Accurate pest identification is the first step in any successful pest control program. It allows you to determine basic information about the pest, such as its life cycle and the time of year it is most susceptible to being controlled. It also helps you select the most effective management tactics.

Many pests look very different at various stages in their life cycles, making them difficult to distinguish from non-pest species or even each other. This can be especially true for insects, where they often change shape, color or size as they develop from eggs to larvae to adult. Many pests also have certain windows of vulnerability during their life cycle, when they are more susceptible to control tactics than they would be at other times. These windows are usually during the immature forms or eggs of the pest, although in the case of some insects, they may also be in the mature form or the larvae stage of the pest.

In addition to helping you select the most effective control techniques, accurate pest identification can also help prevent unintended side effects from the application of control materials. For example, if you are trying to kill a pest that is affecting your corn crop, it’s important to correctly identify that pest to be sure that any treatment you apply will actually target the problem organism and not other parts of your field. This will reduce the likelihood of damaging your neighbors’ crops or causing other environmental problems as a result of indiscriminate spraying.

Pest identification can be as simple as observing the pest’s behavior or checking damage caused by the pest to your plants, fields, forests and other natural resources. In some cases, however, you may need to consult with a professional to make an accurate identification. You can find a number of online and printed resources to help you with pest identification. Your local Cooperative Extension office or commodity or industry organization can also offer assistance.

It’s also a good idea to shop around when choosing a pest control company, just as you would for any other service. Look for recommendations from friends and neighbors and compare prices, services, warranties and guarantees among several companies. This way, you can be confident that the pest control company you choose will provide quality service and help you achieve your pest management goals.


Pests cause direct or indirect damage to crops, property and human health. They can spoil food (like mice, cockroaches and ants), destroy buildings or structures, create health hazards, disturb habitats and carry diseases, such as slugs, snails, leeches, mosquitoes, flies and rodents. They can also be unpleasant to look at, or even dangerous to handle, like bed bugs, ants, cockroaches, wasps and spiders.

Preventing pests requires vigilance and consistent efforts to keep them out of residential or commercial buildings. This includes removing all sources of food, water and shelter for them. It means keeping buildings clean and storing food in sealed containers, avoiding stacks of newspapers or paper clutter that may provide hiding places for pests, fixing leaky plumbing and using steel wool to fill cracks around pipes and drains. It also means regularly removing garbage from homes and businesses and using trash cans with tight lids.

Prevention can be a challenging goal to accomplish, especially in outdoor situations, because it depends on weather conditions that cannot always be controlled. Rain, cool temperatures, drought and other environmental factors affect the growth of plants and, in turn, the populations of plant-eating pests. Predator species and pathogens can also suppress pest numbers.

In enclosed environments, prevention is a more realistic goal that can be achieved through regular inspections of a home or business by a pest control professional. These inspections include looking for possible entry points into a building, assessing conditions that attract pests and removing them, and monitoring the presence of pests to assess the level of problem. They can also include observing the way a property is landscaped, because the design of a yard or garden can encourage or discourage pests from moving to a residence or office. This type of preventive service is a great option for those who want to avoid pests without resorting to eradication strategies that are more expensive and difficult to implement. This is especially true for commercial and residential properties in urban areas where pests like cockroaches and rats can contribute to poor indoor air quality that triggers asthma and other respiratory conditions.


The goal of pest control is to reduce pest numbers to a level that is acceptable in a given situation. This may be achieved through prevention or suppression, or it might require eradication—destroying an entire pest population. Prevention is the most desired option, but this is not always possible, especially in outdoor situations where pests are a part of natural ecosystems that affect food production and other environmental processes.

Pests can be a nuisance, like noisy mice or unsightly cockroaches, or they can cause serious harm to people, property or the environment, like disease-causing bacteria, rodents and plant-parasitic nematodes. They can also pose a threat to human health, such as asthma and allergic reactions, and contaminate food, beverages, food preparation equipment or storage areas. In addition, some pests can damage or ruin crops, gardens and buildings, and can destroy personal items (like clothes moths, bed bugs, cockroaches and cluster flies).

Monitoring a field, garden, landscape, building or other area to identify pests, how many there are and what damage they’ve caused is the first step in taking action. Using information about the pests’ biology, ecology and environment, it’s then possible to decide whether to tolerate them or to take action.

Suppression involves reducing pest numbers to an acceptable level, often through prevention and sometimes by use of pesticides. It can also include exclusion, repulsion, physical removal and other non-toxic controls. When chemical pesticides are used, it’s important to use them sparingly and only when necessary. They should be selected and applied according to the label’s instructions and safety warnings, and only by trained and qualified specialists.

Biological pest control relies on the natural enemies of a particular pest, such as parasites, predators and pathogens. These can be supplemented by introducing more enemies into the area, either in small batches or in one large release. This is often not eradication as there can be a delay between pest population increase and the emergence of natural enemies, but it can provide a long-term reduction in the pest problem.

Mechanical and physical controls kill or trap the pests, block them out, or make the environment unsuitable for them, such as trapping rodents, applying mulches for weed management, steam sterilizing soil to destroy diseases or placing barriers like screens around buildings. In some cases, such as in commercial cleaning and retail or food preparation environments, eradication may be the only choice, but in homes and outdoor areas it’s rarely required.


Pest control involves a broad range of interventions, some of which are intended to directly manipulate the pest population and others of which have indirect effects on the pest. Ideally, these interventions should be designed to maximize crop production in an environmentally sustainable system without compromising the health and welfare of humans and other species. This approach is sometimes referred to as integrated pest management, and it is the foundation of all modern crop production systems.

The terms exterminate, extirpate and eradicate are synonymous and mean the complete eradication or driving out of an organism. However, if the goal is to minimize collateral damage to non-target organisms, terms such as uproot, scourge and annihilate are more appropriate than the term destroy.

As the world has become more aware of the ecological and economic costs associated with the use of toxic substances to kill pests, it is increasingly recognized that a better alternative is to manage those organisms as part of a healthy ecosystem. As a result, more emphasis is being placed on managing pest species in habitat continua rather than exterminating them (Courchamp, Chapius & Pascal 2003).

A major problem with this approach is the need to define the boundaries of an eradication unit. This is a complex task when a pest is found in a wide area of the landscape and there is little prospect for controlling dispersal by behavioural barriers or genetic isolation. In these cases, molecular techniques can be used to provide valuable information about the genetic structure of a pest population at a fine spatial scale.

This information allows the boundary to be determined with greater accuracy than would be possible using only behavioural and environmental data, and it can be used to predict the probability of success of an eradication program and to identify the cause of any failures. Molecular methods also allow a more accurate estimate of the size of a pest population, thereby permitting the development of strategies to deal with large numbers of individuals, and they can help to distinguish a recolonization event from a true eradication failure.

Pest Solutions

Professional pest control companies typically use chemical pesticides to treat infestations. These chemicals often contain harmful ingredients that can cause harm to pets, humans, and the environment. Click the to learn more.

Physical methods include traps, screens, barriers, and fences. Sanitation practices help reduce pest populations by limiting food, water, and shelter. Eradication is rarely the goal for outdoor pests but is a possibility in enclosed environments such as health care, office buildings and food processing facilities.

Pests like rodents, cockroaches, and insects can carry diseases that pose serious health risks to people and pets. They also create allergens and irritants that can cause asthma or other respiratory problems. Having preventive pest control solutions in place ensures that such risks are minimized, which can save both time and money in the long run.

Prevention includes a number of different practices that focus on keeping conditions inside a home or business that are inhospitable to pests, and reducing the opportunities for them to enter. For example, it may be as simple as regularly wiping down counters and appliances to remove crumbs or other foodstuffs that can attract pests. It might involve establishing a uniform cleaning protocol to reduce moisture that can invite cockroaches or flies in commercial settings. It might include sealing entry points with door sweeps, caulking cracks and gaps, modifying ventilation systems to keep moisture from entering, and putting in place trash cans that are properly closed and emptied.

Routine inspections conducted by a pest control professional are an important part of preventive pest control as well. These inspections can identify potential problem areas, such as a crack in the foundation or a door that’s not closing tightly. They can also detect a change in landscaping, such as woodpiles moved near the exterior, and keep pest pathways to the building in check, such as ensuring that trees are trimmed and brush is removed from the property.

Some pests, such as termites and carpenter ants, can only be prevented with chemical treatments that are applied to the soil, wood framing, or concrete. However, pest prevention also includes cultural practices that help keep the environment inhospitable to these and other pests. For example, it might be as simple as storing food in sealed containers or keeping garbage cans in the garage rather than at the curb, where pests can easily find them. It might also include maintaining a regular schedule of yard maintenance, such as trimming bushes and other vegetation to keep them from shading the house and creating a bridge to the roof or foundation.


The goal of suppression is to reduce a pest population below the level that causes unacceptable damage. Suppression tactics are usually used to address reoccurring or chronic pest problems and are often combined with prevention and avoidance strategies.

Physical or mechanical methods reduce pests by interfering with their ability to reproduce or feed. These methods include traps, screens, barriers and fences that prevent pest access to a crop or structure. These techniques can be used in conjunction with other control strategies to maximize their effectiveness and minimize the use of pesticides.

Chemical pesticides can be used to suppress the growth of a plant or insect by interfering with a particular chemical process. The goal is to kill a pest or stop its reproduction without killing other organisms that may be beneficial. Typically, a chemical is sprayed onto or into a pest infestation to cause immediate death or disrupt the normal life cycle of the pest or its eggs. Chemicals can also be used to prevent pests from spreading to new areas by altering their sensory or kinetic response. For example, the pheromones emitted by female insects that attract male insects can be replaced with a manufactured “copy” to confuse males and prevent mating.

Sanitation practices can prevent or suppress some pests by eliminating the food, water or shelter they need to survive. This is a key element of pest management in urban and industrial settings where many of the pests we target for control live and breed. For example, sanitary garbage disposal, frequent dumpster removal and proper storage of firewood can help reduce pests that attack crops and structures. Sanitation can also be used to limit the spread of disease-vectoring organisms from one plant to another through the transfer of personnel, equipment and materials.

Biological controls increase the density of natural enemies in an area to limit the populations of pests and make them less damaging. Examples of biological control agents include predators (such as owls and hawks) that hunt and eat pests, parasitoids (such as mites that prey on pest mites) and pathogens (such as the nematode that kills greenhouse whitefly). These biological agents can be conserved to build up a permanent population, or they can be purchased and released in large numbers to overwhelm the pest population quickly—called inundative releases.


Pests are organisms (insects, weeds, nematodes, plants, viruses or vertebrate animals) that disrupt ecosystems or cause harm to people, property or the economy. They may displace native species and affect soil health, nutrient content, water availability, fire patterns, or other environmental factors that influence plant production and terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems.

Monitoring is the key to effective pest management. It helps to identify the pests and the damage they cause, as well as determine if any control measures are needed. Monitoring allows for early detection of pest problems and provides information about the pest population dynamics, ecology, and life history. It also helps select the most appropriate control measures.

The first step in eradicating a pest is to determine the level of pest damage that is unacceptable, called the threshold. Once this is known, it is possible to select a pest control strategy that will keep the pest numbers below the threshold. It is important that this strategy causes minimal harm to other plants, beneficial insects, wildlife, or human activities. It is also important that this pest-specific control method not destroy or kill the natural enemies of the target pest.

Another method of controlling pests is by introducing new genetically modified or selectively selected organisms into the environment that are resistant to the target pest or have a desirable trait. This is often referred to as biotechnology and can be a very cost effective solution to the problem.

Eradicating a pest is most often attempted in indoor environments, such as dwellings; schools, offices and other commercial buildings; and health care, food processing or food preparation facilities. This is because outdoor pest situations are typically more complex and difficult to control than those in enclosed environments.

The term eradicate, which means literally to uproot and remove, comes from the Latin eradicatus, from the root word radix, which also gives us words like radical and radish. Although this is a powerful method of controlling pests, it can be difficult to implement successfully in outdoor situations because of the time lag between the introduction of the new enemies and their success in suppressing the pest population.


Many pests can become a problem when they have settled into your home and are living off of the food, water, and shelter that you provide. These pests can include rodents (such as rats and mice), crawling insects (like cockroaches, ants, and beetles), flying insects (including houseflies, blowflies, fermentation flies, moths, and bees), and birds (including pigeons and seagulls).

The goal of treatment is to reduce the numbers of the targeted pests to an acceptable level so that they can no longer cause unacceptable harm. Suppression and eradication are often combined into a single treatment plan that can help reduce the numbers of pests to an acceptable level and prevent them from re-establishing themselves once they have been reduced.

Pest control treatments often include pesticides and other chemicals that are effective in killing or controlling target pests when used correctly. These chemicals can be dangerous to people, children, and pets if they are exposed to them, especially if used improperly or in high concentrations. When you’re utilizing pest control services, be sure to follow the instructions for use and keep your children and pets away from areas that have been treated.

It’s also important to perform environmental modifications in your home or business to make the environment less conducive for pests. This includes reducing clutter, sealing cracks and crevices around the outside of your home or business, and regularly caulking any holes in your foundation. You should also regularly check for any voids or spaces where pests can enter your home, including drain lines and grease traps.

A customized pest control plan can be the best way to eliminate your pest problems. Custom pest control providers understand the differences between different pests and their habitats, so they can create a plan that’s tailored to your particular situation. This allows for more precise treatment that can increase the likelihood of success and can be more environmentally friendly than one-size-fits-all treatments. Ask if your provider offers low-toxicity alternatives that can reduce the amount of harmful chemicals being used in your home or business.